Worship Services
10:00am Sunday Worship
5:15pm Wednesday Vespers

Christmas Eve Services
10am - Christmas Morning Service
4pm - Family Friendly Service
9pm - Candlelight Service
Community Postings
Get to Know Us
At Pacific Spirit United Church we create space for conversations that matter. Conversations about God, and our relationship with God and each other. Conversations about life, and death, and what it means to lead a ‘good life’ in a complex time. At Pacific Spirit faith and intellect are not in conflict, and we believe God welcomes questions, even as we search for answers.
We value people who are at a variety of places in their faith life, and who hold different worldviews. Through grappling with faith, engagement with community, and encounters with the sacred through the arts, Pacific Spirit offers rich opportunities to grow in relationship with the Holy Other – with God!

Worship Schedule
Worship With Us

Upcoming Events
- Fri, Feb 21Vancouver
- Fri, Mar 07Belcarra

If you would like to receive our weekly community newsletter, please email: communications@pacificspirituc.com